The client had been in the market for a 21st century way of managing data across all equipment types. The selection process was designed around 3 areas. Cost effectiveness, customer service and technical capability.
Apollo KnowHow was designed to allow a client’s integrity data to be managed from one source across all assets. Deployment for topsides and onshore began in May 2019 and within 100 days went live, migrating 20 years of legacy data with over 23,000 inspection points and 6,000 anomalies.
The subsea deployment which included 25 years of data and 10,000 inspection points went from kick off to go live in 50 days.
Apollo KnowHow™ now allows the client to monitor onshore, topsides and subsea with a cloud based, quick to deploy, cost effective tool. Reducing Excel engineering, reducing cost and increasing productivity.
Apollo have been great to partner with during the transition of our current inspection system to Apollo KnowHow™ and are already beginning to see the benefits of having deployed one data management tool for all pressure vessels, piping and structures. In addition, the client configured KPI dashboard offers a reduction in Monthly KPI reporting whit live data now being used to review plan attainment, anomaly management and defined life repairs.
Integrity Manager
Client problem:
- 3 subsea databases and 1 topside database to keep updated
- No current way to track changes or audit current method reliably
What we did:
- Migrated all databases to Apollo KnowHow™ and merged into a single database
Value / Benefits:
- Implemented a consist baseline/configuration across all subsea databases
- Provide technical support and customer service
- Provided Apollo KnowHow™ Go – mobile tablet data capture