Apollo can also help develop site safety plans and COMAH safety cases through to more discreet studies such as human factor studies, to ensure the safety of plant and people.
Fire & safety support
Apollo Technical Safety engineers provide our clients expert advice and consultancy. This covers the provision of fire, gas, smoke and toxic release consequence modelling as well as other functions such as ALARP studies, risk assessments through to SIMOPS and dropped object analysis. Apollo also has experienced HAZID/HAZOP and LOPA chairs to support project as required.
Key areas of support
Technical safety studies
Including fire, blast and gas dispersion analysis
Apollo are experienced in providing our clients a full suite of formal safety assessments via studies and analysis services applicable to nuclear sites and their operation. These include fire assessments, gas dispersion and blast analysis as well as more discrete studies such as emergency escape and evacuation studies, fire mitigation strategies (active and passive).
Other support
- RAM studies for optimal plant, system and equipment selection
- Human factor assessment and occupational risk assessment etc