Our engineers are able to apply pragmatic thought to the analysis to ensure correct inputs are used within the software used and interpret the correct understanding of the numbers to aid design.
Computational Analysis
Our engineers have a breadth and depth of experience in various highend and advanced analysis techniques to aid design work in the nuclear industry. These include finite element analysis, process simulation, hydraulic analysis and computation fluid dynamics. This analysis can enable a greater understanding of the engineering challenges enabling solutions to be better defined and validated with appropriate engineering.
Key areas of support
Mechanical / structural analysis
Our expertise allows clients access to engineers with expert knowledge of structural and mechanical modelling techniques. Apollo engineers are able to efficiently set up computer models minimising run times. This coupled with experience in interpreting results enables optimised solutions for our clients ensuring fit for purpose installations.
Hydraulic analysis
Cooling water studies
Cooling water is required to remove “waste heat” from power stations regardless of whether the power station is nuclear or conventional. Generally two cooling circuits are employed at nuclear power stations 1) Steam cycle heat transfer – a closed loop steam cycle to drive the turbine 2) Cooling circuit to condense the steam and discharge surplus heat.
Apollo can model these circuits in order to understand the necessary motive drives to overcome internal pressure losses along with quantities/volumes of water required.
Fire, blast & smoke analysis
Loss prevention is key to any nuclear design. Apollo technical safety engineers will input to the design process to ensure primarily an ALARP design. Additionally, recommendations are made for escalation risk or loss prevention measures in terms of fire detection and mitigation techniques. Blast modelling can be completed to allows an understanding of building design along with smoke dispersion analysis.