PALM Quick Connect System: Robust Performance in Scapa Flow Trials

Apollo was testing our PALM QCS in Orkney this month. Image is of the PALM in the sea with a vessel nearby

We’re currently conducting comprehensive testing of our PALM Quick Connect System (QCS) in the challenging conditions of a real sea environment. These trials are critical to understanding how the PALM performs when exposed to marine conditions over an extended period.

Field trial update: 40 days in Scapa Flow

Forty days into our extended field trial of the PALM Quick Connect System off Scapa Flow, we faced nature’s fury head-on. April’s Storm Kathleen hit from the most exposed direction, making weather forecasts our new best friend.

We’re thrilled to report that, despite the storm’s best efforts, the system held firm. A drone survey a couple of weeks later showed everything was present and correct. Another solid step up the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) ladder.

Collaborative innovation with industry leaders

Apollo developed the PALM QCS with funding support from Wave Energy Scotland and the Offshore Wind Growth Partnership.

This collaboration aims to expedite the efficient hook-up and disconnection of cables and moorings for floating offshore renewable devices. Typically, maintenance strategies for floating systems are based around tow to port. This can be expensive in terms of the marine spread and lost generation time.

The PALM dramatically reduces these costs by simplifying the connection and disconnection operations to the winching action of a conventional tow tug.

Preparing for the Next Phase

Preparations are now underway for the next phase of testing, which includes more connect and disconnect trials. Following this, we will remove the system ahead of our planned PALM charger system trials in October.

Each phase brings us closer to delivering a robust and reliable solution for the offshore renewables industry.

Driving forward

Apollo remains committed to pioneering solutions that drive the future of offshore renewables. The PALM QCS is a testament to our dedication to innovation and excellence in engineering.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible.

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